Friday, January 14, 2011

Second Critique


Title:  Burst Unity
Artist: Hannah Höch
Date: 1955

Written Response:  When I first saw this image it looked like a butterfly coming out of its cocoon. I see a dark black background transitioning into a lighter green color. In the center there are many wing like structures, each of a different color merging with each other. There are squares in the corner of the picture.  In this picture there are Organic lines around the wings and geometric lines around the edge of the picture.  The picture has value because it makes the image stand out by using a dark color on one side and a lighter contrasting color on the other side.
There is Organic and Geometric shapes in this picture, the wings are organic and the rectangles are geometric.  This picture also has color because of the wings, one of the wings has different shades of red ( a primary color) and another wing has yellow and orange (secondary and tertiary colors) there is also a green color towards the bottom of the picture (secondary color). This picture has a radial balance because it feels balanced and yet it’s totally unequal.  This picture gives Emphasis to the collection of wings because it’s the biggest object and is colored with bright and attractive shades that are visually appealing.  There is also Unity in this picture because even though things look unbalanced they feel unified and give you a peaceful feeling when you view the picture. The use of shading is what really grabs my attention when I see this piece of art. I feel that the artist wanted to show that when people look beyond differences like race, wealth, and interests and come together it can make something truly beautiful and inspiring. 

This was my second critique and I felt that writing this one was much more easier after I had a little experience under my belt. The picture by Hannah Hoch inspired me a lot because I could see the unity among many different colors, shapes and sizes. This picture taught me more about which colors would emphasize each other.