Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sound Problems

My rough Copy and Ideas for this piece. This piece was created to show a different sound in each frame. Basically I used the rough copy to see how the image would look after it was placed on paper and to show me what would have to be edited/added to the image for the final copy.

This was the final colored version of this piece.

This is was my next piece. What I had to do was to create another picture which visualized sound. I chose to create my image based off of a dream and how music can be infectious. It showed sound by adding sound waves, the volume bars on the bottom, and the ear and the fist represents the power of music. I used colors that would go well together to create the effect to show the volume bars, green being low and orange being high.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

No Love Photomontage

When I was told we had to do our photo montage based off of a song that had a social issue in it I had a tough time trying to find a good song that would allow me to express my thoughts. Then I thought about a song by Eminem because his songs usually have some sort of message behind them, I went through my song list and found No Love by Eminem ft. Lil Wayne. I felt that the song had a strong message behind it because it dealt with bullying and because I felt that bullying was a serious social issue. I thought about the lyrics and an idea of showing a little boy in his room being bullied popped into my head. Then I thought about how I could show a boy could be bullied in his house, in his own room nun the less. I then realized I could show this through technology and so I put in a laptop and an MSN hate conversation and an image of the bully who is shown as a tangible character to represent the strong feeling of fear. Three things I felt made this picture really good were the gloomy background because it set the mood of the Image. I felt that it allows you to feel the sorrow that the boy is going through because he does not know how to solve his problem. The second thing that I felt made this picture more original was the teddy bear because it shows how the boy feels that he has no one who he can turn to and so he turns to something he feels will comfort him, protect him.  The final thing I feel made this picture authentic was the laptop with the MSN conversation because it shows you how bullying can reach you in places that you think you would normally be safe in. I felt that showing bullying in one’s most private place your bedroom would show the reality of bullying. It shows you that you have no safety zone anymore.

Young money

Throw dirt on me, and grow a wild flower,
But it's **** the world, get a child out her,
yeah my life a *****, but u know nothing bout her,
Been to hell and back, I can show you vouchers,
I'm rollin' sweets, I'm smoking sour,
Married to the game, but she broke her vows,
Thats why my bars, are full of broken bottles,
And my night stands are full of open bibles,
Ugh I think about more then I forget,
But I dont go around fire expectin' not to sweat,
And these ****** know I lay em down make your bed,
  ******* try to kick me, while im down I break your leg,
Money out weighin' problems on the triple-beam,
I'm sticking to the script, you ****** skipping scenes,
Ugh be good or be good at it, ****** right I got my gun semi carter-matic.

Yeah put they **** in they mouth, so I guess its **** with they say,
I'm high as a *****, up up and away, man I come down in a couple of days,
Okay you want me up in the cage, then I'll come out in beast mode,
I got this world stuck in a safe, cominbation is the G code,
Its weezy motha ***** blood gang and im in bleed mode, all about my do' but I dont even check the peep hole,
so you can keep knocking, but wont knock me down, no love lost, no love found.

Its a little to late to say that your sorry now, you kicked me when I was down, but what you say just dont hurt me (Thats right, and I dont need you, dont wanan see you, ***** you get no love)
You showed me nothing but hate, you ran me into the ground but what comes around goes around, and you don't hurt me (that's right, and I don't need you, don't wanna see you, ***** you get no love)

  ***** you get no love.

No love x 7

I'm live again, more alive then I've been in my whole entire life,
I can see these people ears perk up as I begin, a spaz with a pin I'm a little bit sicker then most,
  ***** gonna get thick again, they say the competition is stiff but I get a hard **** from this shit now stick it in, I aint ever given in again, caution to the win complete freedom look at these rappers how I treat them so why the **** would I join them, when I beat them,
They call me a freak cuz I like to spit on these *****'s before I eat them, man get these whack **** suckers stage where the **** is Kanye when you need him,

Snatch the mic from them ***** ima let you finish in a minute yeah the rap was tight but ummm, Ruckus got the greatest verse of all time so you might wanna go back to the lab tonight,
And um scribble out them rhymes you was gonna spit an start over from scratch and write new ones, but im afraid it aint gonna make no difference when i rip the shades and tear it in half tonight,
Its an adrenaline rush you feel the bass thump all the way to the parking lot fellow, set fire to the mic and ignite the crowd you can see the sparks from hot metal,
Cold hearted from the day I bogaurded the game I soul started, a rock fellow and I'm not even in my harshest you can see can get roasted, cuz marshal not mellow,
So on top, fill it from the top, I'm not gonna stop em, standing on my monopoly board, that's means I'm on top of my game, and it don't stop, till my hip don't hop anymore,
When you so good, that you cant say it cuz it aint even cool for you to sound cocky anymore,
People just get sick cuz you spit these fools drool & dribble a drop anymore, and you cant ever break my stride, you never slowed the momentum and at any minute im about to blow you never take my pride,
im killing the flow slow and venom, pwn *******, no mercy mark my words, and let enough relentless I smell blood, I don't give a **** keep given them hell, where was you when I fell and needed help up, you get no love,

Its a little to late to say that your sorry now, you kicked me when I was down, but what you say just don't hurt me (That's right, and I don't need you, don't wanna see you, ***** you get no love)
You showed me nothing but hate, you ran me into the ground but what comes around goes around, and you don't hurt me (That's right, and I don't need you, don't wanna see you, ***** you get no love)

  ***** you get no love.

No love x 7

Lyrics From :

Song by: Eminem  ft. Lil Wayne (Recovery)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Media Art's Title Page

This is my title for Media Arts. The intent of this is to show that Art is everywhere and I chose an Anime to show that art is seen in many different aspects of media one example being Manga and Anime as well as Film. (which is why i have a film strip as well.) The vector art represents that Art can be anything and it is connected with everything around us which is why everything is interconnected.

Black Square Designs

The intent of this piece of art work was to show six characteristics. (Tension, Playful, Order, Increase, Congested, Bold.) This was my first piece in Media Arts and in this period of the course I learned to use Adobe Illustrator.

Less Is More

I'm sorry for the bad picture quality of the first image, I had to take that shot with my video camera. The intent of this piece was to show how a kiwi would look when you saw it as a whole, then as a zoomed in image, a zoomed in inverted image, a zoomed in image with one color and finally a zoomed in image with full color. One of the reasons that I drew this piece was to prove to my self that I could still draw with a split knuckle, after dropping a bowling ball on my hand I felt that I wouldn't be able to draw like I could before but I was able to prove my self wrong a few days later.

My First Critique

Title: I’m Set Free
Photographer: Nayland Blake
Date: 2010

Written Response:

When I saw this photograph I realized that life can be seen everywhere, and can grow out of any place that we have built things on or around. I saw that the plant was trapped behind plywood and still it found a hole that allowed it to break free from what held it back. It allows me to feel confident because it shows that no matter what holds you back you can find a way around it. I see a plants branches extending through a gap in a crisp blue plywood wall. I see some white silhouettes to the right of the picture
showing me that something or someone was positioned near the plywood wall. In this picture I see organic lines in the plants branches and I see some geometric lines in the plywood. I also see value, which enhances the plants colour and creates the illusion of a huge space from which the plant had developed. The value creates contrast between the green branches and yellow buds to the blue plywood and causes the silhouettes to the right. I see geometric shape in the square sheet of plywood that creates the doors. I also see colour in the picture, primary colours in this picture are blue as seen in the plywood and yellow seen in the plants buds, the secondary colour that I see in this picture is green. The primary colours create a contrast and seem to compliment the bright green coloured plant well and that makes the picture visually attractive. The picture shows illusory texture and allows us to imagine feeling the plants smooth leaves, partially hard stem and soft buds and it also allows us to imagine running our hands over the rough plywood. Space is created between the focal point being the tip of the plants branches and the point at which the plan seems to spring into freedom.  Form is seen in the plant because of the lighting and how it seems to make the plant seem 3 dimensional; the contrast allows us to feel like we can see the full plant. The reason behind the lighting making the plant seem 3 dimensional is because the light seems to highlight the plant and yet does not reach the part of the plant that is covered by the wall of plywood making the plant seem as if it was fully shown. There is an asymmetrical balance in this picture because of the plants branches reaching out towards the right as well as the silhouettes on the right side of the plywood where as there is nothing to the left side and yet the picture still appears balanced. This is caused by the photographer’s focal point; however the silhouettes will still cause the unequal ambience to the picture. In this picture there is dominance/emphasis because the artist has taken the picture in a way where the plant is in the centre and has a complimenting colour to the background colour (Blue Plywood). I also see the lines on the plywood and the plant being the only part with no geometric lines in the picture it enhances the plants appearance and increases authentic atmosphere. I find that there is a contrast in this picture because of the cooler blue from the background and the warmer yellow from the plants bud. I also see that the plywood is much larger compared to the plant and that causes a contrast. All these elements in the photograph give it a unified aura and make the image look and seem more harmonious. In my own opinion I think that this picture symbolize freedom from things that trap you, it shows you that you can do anything you want no matter what blocks your path.  The picture allows you to see the beauty of life and that everything can be free. The picture shows happiness with its contrasting colours and it shows the photographers wanted to express joy. I think the artists view of the world is to show that you can do whatever you want as long as you have a drive to keep you going towards your goal. The fact that the light only reaches the part of the plant that is beyond the plywood made me realize that hard work pays off and that when you strive for greatness you will eventually be rewarded as seen when the plant streaches its branches out from the shadows to bask in the light of the sun’s rays. Nayland Blake aside from being an artist is an educator and writer. He currently resides in Brooklyn and has shared the past 3 years of his life with a dog named lehigh. What I thought about the picture after was how Nayland Blake would have felt when he saw the plant, when I think of it and put the picture with the title I feel as if he took the picture imagining himself as the plant and forgetting all the responsibilities that he had, any word that he had to do or anything that made him feel like he was busy all the time or that stressed him out. He could have also thought about the plants simplicity and ability to just exist and have so much meaning to someone else and he could have thought about trying to imagine what he would have been going through if he was the plant. Then again Mr. Blake could have just wanted to show the beauty of nature and how everything was created with a purpose and ability to attain whatever they want.  

By critiquing work by Nayland Blake I was able to learn to critique my own work and this was a skill that came in very handy through out the course because it allowed me to find the flaws in my work and correct them by asking my self what the significance of each object was and if it took away from my art or if it contributed. At this point in the course this skill was a great thing to learn because it contributed to bettering my art. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Symbolism In Art

The Dog
The Celtics believed that Dogs were the typical symbols of shape shifters. In modern society and in native culture the dog represents Guidance, protection, loyalty, fidelity, faithfulness, watchfulness, and companionship.

The Sri Yantra
The Shri Chakra also known as the Sri Yantra is a symbol characterized by nine interlocking triangles that spread out from a central point. The nine triangles are divided to symbolize Shiva and Shakti. The four upright triangles represent the masculine side or Shiva; while the five inverted triangles represent the Divine Mother or Shakti. When seen as a whole, the Sri Yantra is used to symbolize the bond or unity of both the masculine and the feminine divinity. It can also mean the unity and bond of everything.


The dove is a symbol of the Holy spirit and used especially in representations of the Lord's Baptism and the Pentecost. It is a symbol that represents the release of the soul in death, and is used as a symbol of peace, love, and hope.

The Lion
The Lion is not merely a symbol of power. It is seen as a sign that indicates bravery and ferocity which describes the animal kingdom's "king". The lion may also represent Courage, Power, Royalty, Dignity, Authority, Dominion, Justice, Wisdom, Ferocity.

The Om is a very universal Hindu symbol which is used in meditation. The word “Om” would be the first syllable in any prayer in Hinduism. The Om symbol is used to represent the universe and the ultimate reality. People say that this symbol representation of the three aspects of God: the Brahma (A), the Vishny (U) and the Shiva (M).





The two golden fish         

In Buddhist culture the two fish were drawn as a representation for the Yamuna and Ganges rivers. Through interpretation it has come to mean luck and fortune. It also means the courage and fearlessness to face a wave of suffering and to be able to swim freely like fish through water.





The eternal knot

The intertwining of lines in the eternal knot is said to signify how all things are associated. It can also represent how religion and secular affairs, compassion and wisdom are connected to each other and are united.






The Ankh

The Ankh is an Egyptian symbol for Power and is traditionally known as an Egyptian symbol that denotes rebirth as well as mythical eternal life. The power component of this symbol epitomizes the strength and the life that one can attain from the sun.





Arrows of Friendship

The Native Americans believe that two arrows that cross at the center are a symbol of unity and the bringing together two clans or two people. The message behind this symbol can be interpreted as representing friendship.



The Japanese use chrysanthemums or “kikus,” as a gift for friends. This flower has been a representation of friendship in Japan’s culture for many years. Close friends would exchange Chrysanthemums to represent virtue and their tight friendship. As the flower grows, it also symbolizes the growth of their bond.

Tao symbol
An ancient Chinese symbol used originally to represent a widespread belief in unity, polarity, holism, and magic. It also mean there is a universal harmony and unity between complimentary opposites.

Skull and crossbones
 It represents death and was used by pirates. Now it is used as a warning symbol for poisons.

Star of David
In Judaism it is also called the Shield of David. It has no particular significance in Judaism but is one of the symbols that are commonly associated with the Jews. Many Jews wear jewelry with this star and the flag of Israel also has this star. This symbol could possible mean unity for all the Jews.

Odin's horn
3 interlocked drinking horns make it. It represents Odin who is the father of all gods (also similar to Zeus in Greek mythology). The horn is mostly used in celebrating rituals. It is now commonly known as the symbol of commitment in the asatru faith.

 In Hinduism it is a flower used to represent creation and to symbolize Vishnu, Brahma, Lakshmi. In Buddhism the lotus is used to relate to life experience, how we go through hardships to obtain our true happiness. It is also symbol of awakening to the spiritual reality of life in both Hinduism and Buddhism.

Red Cross
An international sign for a medic. It is also used by an organization in the U.S called the Red Cross. It is the sign of the crusade in the medieval times. In the older times it was used by the Greeks to represent neutrality in war.

It is a 3-leaf clover that is grows a lot in Ireland. Some say the 3 leafs of the plant represent the holy trinity in Christianity. While others say the shamrock and the number 3 were magical in Celtic traditions. This plant was also believed to give good luck to its owner.

Totem poles
A totem can represent a tribe, clan, family, or an individual. There are 9 animal spirits on each totem pole, which will follow you through life and guiding you to your right path. There are many animals spirits each with its own meaning.

The Greeks saw urobors as a symbol, which meant a mystical life. The Egyptians saw the uroboros as a symbol of eternity and immortality. In alchemy, uroboros is the guardian of the mystical treasure

Thunder Bolt 
It is a symbol of power in the ancient world; the thunderbolt is used by male god from greek to Norse to roman to even native Indian mythology. The thunderbolt was used to bring justice upon those who had done wrong. It was also as a symbol to provide water to the land and fertilize the earth.

My partner and I wanted to show that there are symbols in our every day lives. So we chose symbols which people see on a daily basis but overlook. Our intent was to show you a few things that we overlook and describe what they mean as a symbol. By thinking of symbols that people overlook in our daily lives we came across many interesting symbols, at first I didn't understand how they related to our lives however after I researched the definition for these symbols I was able to see these symbols in a new scope and understood their presence. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to the domain of Samson. In my blog I'm going to try and bring out my creative side by posting my artwork and assignments from Media Arts class. 

This is my first Arts course aside from drama, I wanted to take this course because I felt that Media Arts would challenge me and it would allow me to find out how creative I could be. 

I'm Samson Jeyakumar, I'm 16 and in my blog I am going to show how creative I can be, my interests, and my belief systems.

I feel that Art is a way to express someone's feelings, thoughts, and beliefs. It's a way to show people that not everyone thinks the same and diversity can really be beautiful. Art is a portal to places you can get away to and see things that you would only be able to Imagine about.

I will be posting a blurb about the intent of my artwork and what skills came in handy or what skills I had learned during the part of the course in which I created the piece.

Please give me your constructive feedback as it will help in my growth as an Artist!