Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Symbolism In Art

The Dog
The Celtics believed that Dogs were the typical symbols of shape shifters. In modern society and in native culture the dog represents Guidance, protection, loyalty, fidelity, faithfulness, watchfulness, and companionship.

The Sri Yantra
The Shri Chakra also known as the Sri Yantra is a symbol characterized by nine interlocking triangles that spread out from a central point. The nine triangles are divided to symbolize Shiva and Shakti. The four upright triangles represent the masculine side or Shiva; while the five inverted triangles represent the Divine Mother or Shakti. When seen as a whole, the Sri Yantra is used to symbolize the bond or unity of both the masculine and the feminine divinity. It can also mean the unity and bond of everything.


The dove is a symbol of the Holy spirit and used especially in representations of the Lord's Baptism and the Pentecost. It is a symbol that represents the release of the soul in death, and is used as a symbol of peace, love, and hope.

The Lion
The Lion is not merely a symbol of power. It is seen as a sign that indicates bravery and ferocity which describes the animal kingdom's "king". The lion may also represent Courage, Power, Royalty, Dignity, Authority, Dominion, Justice, Wisdom, Ferocity.

The Om is a very universal Hindu symbol which is used in meditation. The word “Om” would be the first syllable in any prayer in Hinduism. The Om symbol is used to represent the universe and the ultimate reality. People say that this symbol representation of the three aspects of God: the Brahma (A), the Vishny (U) and the Shiva (M).





The two golden fish         

In Buddhist culture the two fish were drawn as a representation for the Yamuna and Ganges rivers. Through interpretation it has come to mean luck and fortune. It also means the courage and fearlessness to face a wave of suffering and to be able to swim freely like fish through water.





The eternal knot

The intertwining of lines in the eternal knot is said to signify how all things are associated. It can also represent how religion and secular affairs, compassion and wisdom are connected to each other and are united.






The Ankh

The Ankh is an Egyptian symbol for Power and is traditionally known as an Egyptian symbol that denotes rebirth as well as mythical eternal life. The power component of this symbol epitomizes the strength and the life that one can attain from the sun.





Arrows of Friendship

The Native Americans believe that two arrows that cross at the center are a symbol of unity and the bringing together two clans or two people. The message behind this symbol can be interpreted as representing friendship.



The Japanese use chrysanthemums or “kikus,” as a gift for friends. This flower has been a representation of friendship in Japan’s culture for many years. Close friends would exchange Chrysanthemums to represent virtue and their tight friendship. As the flower grows, it also symbolizes the growth of their bond.

Tao symbol
An ancient Chinese symbol used originally to represent a widespread belief in unity, polarity, holism, and magic. It also mean there is a universal harmony and unity between complimentary opposites.

Skull and crossbones
 It represents death and was used by pirates. Now it is used as a warning symbol for poisons.

Star of David
In Judaism it is also called the Shield of David. It has no particular significance in Judaism but is one of the symbols that are commonly associated with the Jews. Many Jews wear jewelry with this star and the flag of Israel also has this star. This symbol could possible mean unity for all the Jews.

Odin's horn
3 interlocked drinking horns make it. It represents Odin who is the father of all gods (also similar to Zeus in Greek mythology). The horn is mostly used in celebrating rituals. It is now commonly known as the symbol of commitment in the asatru faith.

 In Hinduism it is a flower used to represent creation and to symbolize Vishnu, Brahma, Lakshmi. In Buddhism the lotus is used to relate to life experience, how we go through hardships to obtain our true happiness. It is also symbol of awakening to the spiritual reality of life in both Hinduism and Buddhism.

Red Cross
An international sign for a medic. It is also used by an organization in the U.S called the Red Cross. It is the sign of the crusade in the medieval times. In the older times it was used by the Greeks to represent neutrality in war.

It is a 3-leaf clover that is grows a lot in Ireland. Some say the 3 leafs of the plant represent the holy trinity in Christianity. While others say the shamrock and the number 3 were magical in Celtic traditions. This plant was also believed to give good luck to its owner.

Totem poles
A totem can represent a tribe, clan, family, or an individual. There are 9 animal spirits on each totem pole, which will follow you through life and guiding you to your right path. There are many animals spirits each with its own meaning.

The Greeks saw urobors as a symbol, which meant a mystical life. The Egyptians saw the uroboros as a symbol of eternity and immortality. In alchemy, uroboros is the guardian of the mystical treasure

Thunder Bolt 
It is a symbol of power in the ancient world; the thunderbolt is used by male god from greek to Norse to roman to even native Indian mythology. The thunderbolt was used to bring justice upon those who had done wrong. It was also as a symbol to provide water to the land and fertilize the earth.

My partner and I wanted to show that there are symbols in our every day lives. So we chose symbols which people see on a daily basis but overlook. Our intent was to show you a few things that we overlook and describe what they mean as a symbol. By thinking of symbols that people overlook in our daily lives we came across many interesting symbols, at first I didn't understand how they related to our lives however after I researched the definition for these symbols I was able to see these symbols in a new scope and understood their presence.